Roses, Roses, Roses…

roses_roses_rosesJune is National Rose Month.  Research has concluded that the rose is 35 million years old, but the Chinese began the cultivation of roses 5000 years ago.  The rose symbolizes both love and war.  Interesting, huh?  Our culture has associated love with the rose and it has been the most desired flower for centuries.  June was selected as National Rose Month because it’s the month the rose is in its peak of blooming.  It’s also the birthday flower for June.  There are actually only two classifications of roses — old fashioned and modern.  Old fashioned roses were introduced before 1867.  They include garden roses, tea roses and traditional roses.  Any varieties introduced after 1867 are considered modern roses.  As we can see today there are hundreds of different colors and varieties of roses.  Florists usually concentrate on red roses, yellows, pinks, oranges, whites and other closely related shades.  So, enjoy National Rose Month!